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Patch 1.2.1 Release Notes

...  Greetings Underlords, Thanks to all your reports following the release of 1.2 we've managed to get to the bottom of a few nasty bugs. Patch 1.2.1 is on it's way to you via steam now and fixes quite a few of these major bugs. ...

State of the Game: 10-08-2015

...  greetings Underlords, Today the time is upon us once again, the ancient rituals have been enacted and ancient evils ...

Patch 1.1.22 Release Notes

...  Greetings Underlords, We've just pushed our latest patch 1.1.22 live and with it comes another round of Performance optimisations, quality of life ...

Patch 1.1.15 Release Notes

Greetings Underlords, After a couple of weeks of silence we've at last completed work on our latest Minor Patch. 1.1.15 is a large update encompassing quite a few changes including ...

WFTO Wednesday #129: End of an Era

...  of an Era   The end is upon us Underlord and a new beginning just around the corner. Since the conclusion of our Kickstarter campaign ...

Patch 1.1.7 Release Notes

...  folks, Patch 1.1.7 is now available and with it comes a couple more gameplay and balance changes including one most ...

Patch 1.1.5 Release Notes

...  1.1.5 Release Notes Darkest Greetings Underlord, Another few days have passed since we last opened the rift and passed unto you our latest work in Patch 1.1.4 and now we've pushed out ...


...  input[type=text] {padding:5px; border:2px solid #ccc; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; width:255px;}  ...

Patch 1.1.1 to 1.1.4 Release Notes

...  1.1.1 to 1.1.4 Release Notes Hey Folks, Since the release of patch 1.1 a few of you may have noticed that we've been regularly updating with minor updates. Until now the iteration rate has been so quick that ...

WFTO Wednesday #122: Tons of Maps!

...  of Maps! Hey folks, Development of Patch 1.1 is in full swing and it’s shaping up to be quite the overhaul, building upon ...