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WFTO Wednesday #109: Rated D for Delayed

...  D for Delayed Hey folks, As you might have guessed by the big, massive letters above: we’ve got a tiny, final delay. The Delay So this delay ...

WFTO Wednesday #108: Brave New World

...  New World Hey folks, This week we have been busy cracking away on the campaign and at all the areas of the game still awaiting polish. In this edition of ...

WFTO Wednesday #102: Brace Yourselves

...  Yourselves Hey folks, It’s been quite a while since our last patch (October 3rd!) and the team has been hard at work over ...

WFTO Wednesday #99: Constructs

...  folks, As we mentioned two weeks ago, we are splitting “Defences” into two separate types, Defences and Constructs. Today ...

WFTO Wednesday #97: Gameplay Updates

...  Updates Hey folks, This week we’re going to continue talking about the gameplay improvements we’re bringing to the game. This ...

WFTO Wednesday #96: Arcane Fortress

...  Fortress Hey folks, Today we’ve got a surprise dish that will be served almost only to Early Access players and Kickstarter backers. Read ...

WFTO Wednesday #94: Doors, Earth, and Patches

...  folks, Thanks to all of your responses last week in our Strawpoll we’ll be realigning the news going forward to focus on new assets and design changes to the ...

WFTO Wednesday #93: The Future of WFTO Wednesday

...  Wednesday Hey folks, We've not got a lot left to cover in our weekly updates, so today we’re going to give you an overview of what we can talk about for the final few months ...

WFTO Wednesday #91: The Return of the Maps

...  Return of the Maps Hey folks, We managed to survive our second escapade into the madness of EGX and now return back to you, our patient backers, to ...

Patch Notes: Bedrock Beta v0.5.1 “Dungeons for Two” & v0.5.2 “The Return of the Maps”

...  for Two" & v0.5.2 "The Return of the Maps"​ Known Issues Please don't report these! Windowed mode has multiple issues: Window remains on top of all other ...