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WFTO Wednesday #90: EGX London & Patch v0.5.1: “Dungeons for Two”

...  v0.5.1:  "Dungeons for Two" Coming Tomorrow Hey folks, We’ve just arrived in London for EGX and are quite manic right now, so please excuse the brief ...

WFTO Wednesday #89: Purple Haze

...  WFTO Wednesday ever.   What on Earth Could This Be? You’ll find out if you join us for our Livestream next Monday at 9pm UTC and in next week’s ...

WFTO Wednesday #88: Patch Release: v0.5.0: “Dungeons for One”

...  "Dungeons for One" Hey folks, After what feels like an eternity of talking about new features without ever having the chance to let you all ...

Patch Notes: Bedrock Beta v0.5.0 “Dungeons for One”

Multiplayer Multiplayer is coming soon! Please see WFTO Wednesday #88 for more details. Known ...

WFTO Wednesday #83: Grab Bag

...  Bag Hey folks, We've got a grab bag of various goodies for your eye-holes this week. Stare at them for a little while and then let ...

WFTO Wednesday #82: The Arena

...  Arena Hey folks, This week we follow two luckless heroes who have been imprisoned within the dank halls of an Underlord’s prison. They find ...

WFTO Wednesday #81: The Warden

...  folks, A stumpy new danger waddles down the dank corridors of your dungeon. He's heavy. He's well-armed. In another time and place, he'd be a huge MC Hammer fan. This week, we'll be ...

WFTO Wednesday #80: The Bombard

...  folks, Arrows. Plates. Jagged rocks. Small, gnashing mammals. For as long as thinking creatures have existed, they've been addled by a dark urge to throw ...

Patch Notes: Bedrock Beta v0.4.3 “Calm Before the Storm”

...  Issues Please don’t report these Unit grouping has been temporarily removed Some objects are rendering without ...

WFTO Wednesday #75: The Two Patches

...  Two Patches Hey folks, We're launching updates for both public and opt-in branches today, as well as releasing up-to-date builds for OS X and Linux! ...