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Coming Soon: Dungeoneer’s Guide

...  Greetings Underlord, Exploring the cavernous underworlds of Kairos is a frightful task at the best of times. It is a place of dank corners, ...

Patch 1.3 Now Available

...  greetings Underlord, The cycle of destruction and creation continues with the release of Patch 1.3: “Workshop”! At long last the ...

Patch 1.3 Preview

...  most loyal Underlord, A new patch has been unearthed in the depths, and is about to leave your minions coughing and choking in a dusty haze of excavation ... Introducing Patch ...

Community Spotlight: Multiplayer Tournament Results & Fan Wallpapers

...  greetings Underlord, Amongst these darkest nights of the year it’s easy to lose sight of the things that are truly important in life. ...

Celebrate Halloween with Jack O’Worker

...  greetings Underlord, Halloween is upon you ... the time of year when the children of Kairos don devilish costumes and haunt their ...

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Heart of Gold Preview: Sentinel

Preview: The Sentinel   Welcome most loyal Underlords, If you’re reading this then you’re hopefully joining us as a supporter of ...

Prison Architect Launch Promo

...  Greetings Underlords, We have some exciting news for you today, our good friends over at Introversion Software will be ...

Patch 1.2.1 Now Available & Multiplayer Tournament!

...  greetings Underlords, It's been just 13 days since Patch 1.2 hit on Steam and we've already got a sizeable minor patch headed ...

Post 1.2 Recap & Kickstarter Update

...  malevolent greetings Underlord! Today we have a very brief but exciting update for those of you awaiting physical kickstarter rewards and a short ...