WFTO Wednesday #88: Patch Release: v0.5.0: “Dungeons for One”

WFTOWednesdayCroppedLightPatch Release: v0.5.0: “Dungeons for One”

Hey folks,

After what feels like an eternity of talking about new features without ever having the chance to let you all play them… the patch is finally here! We have over 20 new rooms, potions, minions, defences, rituals and spells as well as numerous gameplay improvements and additions to the UI.




Patch Release: Bedrock Beta v0.5.0 “Dungeons for One”

For a list of all of the fantastic new features you can read our Patch Notes or revisit the four previous WFTO Wednesdays for a more comprehensive look at the new features.

However, there is one small piece of bad news:


Multiplayer Delayed

Originally we planned to launch today’s update with Multiplayer, but unfortunately there remain a few game-ruining bugs that we weren’t able to iron out by today… which left us with two options:

The first was to delay the entire patch until Multiplayer worked as intended, and the second was to release the patch today without Multiplayer enabled. It seemed like the latter was the obvious choice, and we hope you’ll forgive us if it’s not.

Patch 0.5.1 will feature multiplayer and a handful of bug fixes, and it should be ready soon. We’ll update you all next week as we work to resolve the remaining issues.


Extra Special Eurogamer Livestream (September 22nd @ 9:00PM UTC)

We’re holding our annual (can we call it that if we’ve already done it once?) Eurogamer livestream shortly before we all ship off to Earl’s Court and plunge ourselves into the madness of the convention! (as a side note: there are still a few tickets available)

A handful of us will post up in Simburgur’s house with pizza, beer, webcams and our Lord and saviour Sammy to discuss Eurogamer, the recent patch, upcoming features as well as a very special surprise!


That’s all we’ve got for you right now, go plunge yourself deep into the thunderous glory that is new content and let us know what you like most! We’ll be waiting.

PS: Keep an eye on the site tomorrow…


Until next time Underlord,

– WFTO Team


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  1. Forgot all about Eurogamer. Didn’t know it was on Madness Day 2014.

    I must try out the new patch. 🙂

  2. Its sad that the multiplayer isnt out yet, would’ve probally given WFTO more attention because people would have a reason to play. Only be able to play the tutorial and against Rhaskos and My Pet Dungeon gets boaring really fast.
    Cant wait for the next Patch 🙂

  3. Yes!! Thank you! 😀

  4. Distinct lack of level 10 units and SUper unts 🙁

  5. That or i am missing somehting

  6. Looking forward to some team VS. AI and maybe some co-op in the future *hint hint* 😉

  7. And the Marketplace?When does that arrive?