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Patch 1.6.2 Release Notes

...  greetings Underlord, It’s been on the Public Test Branch for little over a week, and now with the release of our GOG ...


...  and DRM-Free FAQ - General Q: What is the GOG version of the game? Q: What’s the difference between the GOG version and the old DRM-Free version? Q: What’s ...

Patch 1.6.1 Release Notes

...  greetings Underlord, Alongside our release of the gentlemanly Cynical Imp charity skin and the much anticipated charity sale of previously ...

Happy Easter from Bunny Worker!

...  greetings Underlord, Though barely... Alas the darkness is receding, and sunlight is returning to Kairos. But all is not lost. Sprouting from ...

Patch 1.6 Release Notes

...  greetings Underlord, After several months of silence the hearty bellow of maniacal laughter can be heard once more echoing through the Aether. It’s time ...

Last Chance to Buy – WFTO Statuettes

...  Greetings Underlord, It is with great sadness that we have to announce Eucl3D, the supplier who ...

State of the Game – November 2016

...  greetings Underlord, It has been over a year since we last ran a State of the Game post, in which we look where War for the ...

Happy Halloween Underlords!

...  greetings Underlord, Our most favoured season has been unleashed, when innocent pumpkins are massacred the world over.. Amidst the chaos, the minions of Kairos are ...

Patch 1.4.3 Release Notes

...  greetings Underlord, The season of dark revelry is nearly upon us and to celebrate the occasion we’re unleashing another patch to hold you over on the road to patch 1.5. ...

Patch 1.4.2 Release Notes

...  greetings Underlord, In our last update we mentioned that patch 1.4.2 was just around the corner and that it’ll include a ...