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Development Diary #1 – A New Leaf

...  folks, This is going to be the first of our new series of dev diaries. The main goal of these ...

Patch 2.1 Release Notes

...  "Deeper Darker Dungeons" Release Notes Darkest Greetings Underlord, As promised a mere 11 days ago we have returned to this realm, dragging a surprise War ...

Patch 2.0.8 Release Notes

...  the Overworld v2.0.8: “Erroneously Encountered Excavations” Release Notes Contents: Patch HighlightsGameplay / Balance changesUnitsBug Fixes Patch ...

Lunar New Year Sale: The Dragon Worker Returns!

...  Auspicious Greetings Underlord, The Lunar New Year is upon us once more and in celebration, ...

Patch 2.0.7 Release Notes

...  “Blatantly Braved Burrows” Release Notes Notes highlighted in Amber were added in Hotifx Patch 2.0.7f1 on June 3rd ...

Patch 2.0.5 Release Notes

...  for the Overworld v2.0.5: “Relentlessly Researched Ravines” Release Notes Darkest Greetings Underlord, As promised in our previous post we are unleashing Patch ...

Next Developer Stream – 5 September 2018 & VOD

...  Stream - 5 September 2018 & VOD Darkest greetings Underlord, Last week we sat down in the latest addition to our dungeon, the Streaming Chamber, to host our very ...

Patch 2.0.3 Release Notes

...  for the Overworld v2.0.3: “Effectively Explored Excavations” Release Notes Darkest Greetings Underlord, Another Maintenance Patch for War for the Overworld is ...

Patch 2.0.2 Release Notes

...  for the Overworld v2.0.2: “Sufficiently Surveyed Surfaces” Release Notes Darkest Greetings Underlord, It's been only a week week since the release of the ...

Patch 2.0.1 “Somewhat-Told Depths” Release Notes

...  “Somewhat-Told Depths” Release Notes Darkest Greetings Underlord, It's been just over two months since we unleashed the gargantuan Patch 2.0 and ...