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Patch 1.4.1 Release Notes

...  Greetings Underlord, Reception to Heart of Gold and patch 1.4 has been absolutely fantastic, we’re pleased to see so many of you enjoying the latest iteration of War ...

Patch 1.4 Release Notes

...  - 17th of June 2016 New & Updated Features New: Dynamic Tutorial System A brand new Dynamic Tutorial System has been added to the game ...

Patch 1.4.2016 “Fool’s Gold” Release Notes

...  greetings Underlord, With WFTOs first expansion, Heart of Gold, on the cards this month we felt that now would ...

New Bug Tracker: User Echo

...  greetings Underlord, We’ve always been dedicated to providing the best experience we can in WFTO and one of the cornerstones of this is ...

Patch 1.3.1 Release Notes

...  Greetings Underlord, The festive period is upon us and we're closing up shop to spend time with our families. We're ...

Patch 1.3 Release Notes

...  1.3 our first true feature patch for War for the Overworld since release is now available! Here you can find an extensive list of changes in the latest ...

Patch 1.2.5 Release Notes

...  Greetings Underlord, Yesterday we unleashed the horrifically scarred Jack O'Worker upon the unsuspecting populace. But alongside that ...

Patch 1.2.4 Release Notes

...  1.2.4 Release Notes Hi Folks, Just a quickie today, we've identified some critical issues in the latest 1.2.3 release of ...

Patch 1.2.3 Release Notes

...  Greetings Underlords It's that time once again, the stars have aligned and the laughter of cursed gods echoes ...

Patch 1.2.2 Release Notes

...  greetings Underlords, We're rolling out a small patch today in support of our friends over at Introversion Software, they'll be launching ...