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My Pet Dungeon & Patch 1.6 Available Now!

...  greetings Underlord, For millennia you have slept with nothing but the dreams of long-decimated realms to keep ...

Introducing Skargz – A New Game in the WFTO Universe!

...  greetings Underlord, There has been much speculation over the last year regarding what Brightrock Games title will next grace your PC gaming device. Knowing ...

Preview – God Mode

...  greetings Underlord, The second anniversary of War for the Overworld, and subsequent release of My Pet Dungeon and ...  You’ve seen the major features revealed over the previous three posts; but we’ve still got one more reveal to go! So without ...

Preview – Terrain Theatrics

...  greetings Underlord, Last week we introduced you to the new My Pet Dungeon mode and gave you a sneak peek at the new Possession improvements coming in Patch 1.6. But today we have the coolest update of ...

Patch 1.6 Preview – Possessive Progression

...  greetings Underlord, Imagine you could dive into the mind of anyone you know - what would you see ...

Announcing My Pet Dungeon & Patch 1.6

...  greetings Underlord, The drums of war are beating in the distance, something stirs in the darkness and the realm of Kairos knows ...

Patch 1.5.2 Now Available & Future of WFTO

...  greetings Underlord, The eternal work continues unabated within the foundries at Brightrock Games! The hammering of steel and the sound ...

Patch 1.5.1 Now Available & DRM-Free Update

...  greetings Underlord, As we step out of the darkest times that will forever be remembered as the year 2016 we look forward to the bright future ...

Season’s Greetings & Hotfix Notes

...  greetings Underlord, It’s that time of year once more when the peasants of the Empire are tucked up all cosy ...

Crucible Mode & Patch 1.5 Now Available!

...  greetings Underlord, It is time to rouse from your slumber and prove you still have what it takes to ...