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Meet Underlord Lamash – The Rotting Reaper

...  greetings Underlord, Soon The Under Games will commence and there is one final challenger who has yet to make their debut. Although Lamash may be ...

2.0 Preview: Map Editor & Mighty Script

...  Preview: Map Editor & Mighty Script   Darkest greetings Underlord, In just four short days ...

Meet Underlord Volta – The Infernal Contraption

...  Underlord Volta - The Infernal Contraption Darkest greetings Underlord, The march towards The Under Games continues unabated, and ...

2.0 Preview: Terrain Themes, Campaign Remaster & AI Updates

...  greetings Underlord, On Friday we revealed the first Underlord to make their claim upon the spot as greatest Underlord in The ...

Meet Underlord Shale – Chaos Incarnate!

...  Underlord Shale - Chaos Incarnate! Darkest greetings Underlord, Today we’re delving into the chaotic mind of  Shale and her devious arsenal of deadly Aspects. ...

New Expansion: The Under Games and Patch 2.0 Revealed!

...  greetings Underlord, At long last the veil has been pierced and through the aetherial gap comes the news you’ve been waiting for: ...

Introducing Dungeon Hearts – The Latest Game in the WFTO Multiverse!

...  greetings Underlord, Today we’re proud to finally reveal our next project, previously codenamed Project Aftercare. Now we know we’ve all been here before ...

Calling all Intrepid Underlords: Closed Alpha Test Soon

...  greetings Underlord, Work continues unceasingly on the upcoming Patch 2.0. There’s so much exciting stuff happening ...

Support Charity with the Yogscast Worker

...  greetings Underlord, The end of the year is fast approaching, and our imps are hard at work on new content for you to sink your gnarled ...

Spanish, Italian, Polish, and Russian Return Triumphantly

...  greetings Underlord, You may recall in the not-too-distant past that we announced the return to War for the Overworld of the four ...