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Setting Sales, Learning Languages, Welcoming Workers & Producing Patches

...  greetings Underlord, Following our update last month we’ve been hard at work returning to the world of War for the Overworld, and beginning to pile in on the ...

Steam Pricing Adjustments & New Currencies

...  greetings Underlord, We have a short and sudden announcement today regarding the pricing of War for the Overworld for several regions around the world, as well as ...

Hotfix Patch 1.6.3f1 Now Available

...  greetings Underlord, It is somewhat unusual for us to announce a hotfix patch with the full hurrah, but ...

New Maps, Discounted Expansion Bundle, and The Future

...  greetings Underlord, The work on War for the Overworld marches on, and we’re really starting to make headway on the huge changes that will be due as part of our final major updates. But in the meantime, we have a ...

Now Available on

...  greetings Underlords, Since time immemorial there has been a group of Underlords dedicated to the cause of ...

A Surprise to Be Sure, but a Welcome One

...  greetings Underlord, Whilst the Code Imps have been hard at work scrubbing up WFTO’s multiplayer, your Cultists ...

Public Test Branch: Patch 1.6.2PTB1 – A New Multiplayer

...  greetings Underlord, Chained away in the darkest corner of our dungeon the code imps, beavering away with their ...

Charity Announcement: The Cynical Imp Needs Your Support!

...  greetings Underlord, Would you like the good news or the bad news first? Given your outlook, I suppose you’re eager for the bad: Your Workers ...

Patch 1.6 Hotfixes

...  greetings Underlord, At the start of this month we unleashed the My Pet Dungeon DLC and Patch 1.6, and your response ...  both has truly blown us away! The new game mode has met with roaring appreciation from our fans and we’re pleased that all our hard ...

