Archive for the WFTO Wednesday Category

WFTO Wednesday #67: The Matriarch, the Sentinel and the Video

The Matriarch, the Sentinel and the Video   Hey folks, The fires of war spread across the empire as they prepare for your invasion, we sent a few Oculi in to determine what new forces our enemy has in store for us…   Unit Spotlight: The Matriarch While many pray […]


WFTO Wednesday #66: A Good Night’s Rest

A Good Night’s Rest Hey folks, We’re hard at work finalizing and polishing the features and content for our 0.4.0 patch! To keep you temporarily sated we’ve spotlit a few of the coming improvements below.   Bedrock Beta v0.4.0 Preview 2 Click here to see the first Bedrock Beta v0.4.0 […]


WFTO Wednesday #65: Patch Testing, Rezzed Recap & A Cynical Imp

Hey folks, We’ve got a relatively brief update for you this week as we’re recovering from Rezzed, although there’s some good news if you are looking forward to the next patch… Patch 0.4.0 Testing The first preview build of patch 0.4.0 is now available for those of you who have […]


Unit Spotlight: The Cynical Imp

Hey folks, As a few of us all sat in a conference room over the weekend at Rezzed we had one of the brightest ideas we’ve had in ages. Unfortunately we’ve already written our WFTO Wednesday so we’re going to have to grace you with our invention today — we […]


WFTO Wednesday #64 – Livestream now!

Hey folks, We’ll begin our livestream roughly 5 minutes after this update goes live; if you haven’t already, head over to our Twitch channel to say hi, ask questions, and watch us spoil a bunch of things! Livestream finished – VOD can be viewed here: However, we have some […]


WFTO Wednesday #63: The Big Backer Update (2/2)

The Big Backer Update (2/2) Hey folks, This week we’re going to finish off the Big Backer Update and discuss a major overhaul to the Veins of Evil, after which we will swiftly retreat back into our dungeon as we work to finish the 0.4.0 patch and our final preparations […]


WFTO Wednesday #62: The Frost Weaver

The Frost Weaver Hey folks, Due to some scheduling issues we’ve had to postpone some of the Big Backer Update until next week. Instead we’re going to do some housekeeping and take a look at the frigid Frost Weaver!   Important Note for Kickstarter Backers When we locked your information […]
