About: Josh

Posts by Josh:
- WFTO Wednesday #86: Patch 0.5 Preview 3: Defences & Rituals (August 27, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #85: Patch 0.5 Preview 2: Units & Combat (August 20, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #84: Patch 0.5 Preview 1: Potions & Spells (August 13, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #83: Grab Bag (August 6, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #82: The Arena (July 30, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #81: The Warden (July 23, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #80: The Bombard (July 16, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)