About: Josh

Posts by Josh:
- WFTO Wednesday #94: Doors, Earth, and Patches (October 22, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #93: The Future of WFTO Wednesday (October 15, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #92: EGX Photos & Multiplayer Guide (October 8, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #89: Purple Haze (September 17, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- Physical Retail Release & Other Exciting News! (September 11, 2014 - Community News)
- WFTO Wednesday #88: Patch Release: v0.5.0: “Dungeons for One” (September 10, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)
- WFTO Wednesday #87: Patch 0.5 Preview 4: Rooms, UI and… Multiplayer! (September 3, 2014 - WFTO Wednesday)