Posts Tagged War for the Overworld

Patch 2.1 Release Notes

Patch 2.1 “Deeper Darker Dungeons” Release Notes Darkest Greetings Underlord, As promised a mere 11 days ago we have returned to this realm, dragging a surprise War for the Overworld patch kicking and screaming from the depths. This patch is a special one as it celebrates, somewhat belatedly, the 7th […]


Introducing Cult of Duty & WFTO Patch 4.1

Rarest Greetings Underlords, Once again, we pop out from the dingy depths of our caverns and gaze upwards towards the untarnished and needlessly fungible Overworld! The surfacers’ schemes bring them ever closer to ruin, and we must merely wait until their weaknesses crumble their world down to bare stone. The […]


Patch 2.0.8 Release Notes

War for the Overworld v2.0.8: “Erroneously Encountered Excavations” Release Notes Contents: Patch Highlights Gameplay / Balance changes Units Bug Fixes Patch Highlights Engine Update & Major Crash Fix Last year we began receiving reports that the game was instantly crashing upon launch on certain PCs. Upon investigation we found that […]



Most Overdue Greetings Underlord, It has been some time since we shared news from within the fortified walls of the Brightrock foundry but for good reason! Our Augres have been hard at work crafting the true form of Project: Aftercare and it is the thing you’d least expect… That’s right […]


Studio Updates & Community Spotlight Q3 2020

Studio Updates & Community Spotlight Q3 2020 Darkest greetings Underlords, As the world above battles with the seemingly cursed year that is 2020. The crash of steel on reverberates through the long-dormant halls of the Underworld. Hushed whispers on cultists lips carry words of great works undertaken by skilled artificers; […]


Coming Soon: Street Fight for the Overworld

Auspicious Greetings Underlord, The long wait is finally over! The time has come and your patience is to be justly rewarded. Indeed we are ready to pull back the curtain and reveal the totally true identity of Project: Aftercare! But first we must address the elemental in the treasure room. […]
