Posts Tagged April Fools

Introducing Cult of Duty & WFTO Patch 4.1

Rarest Greetings Underlords, Once again, we pop out from the dingy depths of our caverns and gaze upwards towards the untarnished and needlessly fungible Overworld! The surfacers’ schemes bring them ever closer to ruin, and we must merely wait until their weaknesses crumble their world down to bare stone. The […]



Most Overdue Greetings Underlord, It has been some time since we shared news from within the fortified walls of the Brightrock foundry but for good reason! Our Augres have been hard at work crafting the true form of Project: Aftercare and it is the thing you’d least expect… That’s right […]


Coming Soon: Street Fight for the Overworld

Auspicious Greetings Underlord, The long wait is finally over! The time has come and your patience is to be justly rewarded. Indeed we are ready to pull back the curtain and reveal the totally true identity of Project: Aftercare! But first we must address the elemental in the treasure room. […]


Introducing Dungeon Hearts – The Latest Game in the WFTO Multiverse!

Darkest greetings Underlord, Today we’re proud to finally reveal our next project, previously codenamed Project Aftercare. Now we know we’ve all been here before and it’s important we address the elephant in the room that is the now-defunct Virtual Dungeon Pet Management Simulation Game, Skargz. When we announced Skargz we […]
