WFTO Wednesday #36: Let There Be Light!


Let There Be Light!

Hey folks,

Bedrock Beta v0.1.4 “Let There Be Light”

We’ll be pushing a new patch to Steam later this evening that has all kinds of new goodies for you to play with.

Check out the patch notes on our forums here.


Extra-Special Livestream in 2 Weeks! (September 25th @ 8:00PM UTC)

Since a handful of us will all be within spitting distance of one another for Eurogamer we’ve decided to host a livestream with us all in the same room! The event will be marked by one of our largest reveals yet and filled with so many goodies that you’ll probably never forgive yourself if you miss it!

If we were you, we wouldn’t miss it for the Overworld.

That’s all for this week, enjoy the patch!


Until next time Underlord,

– WFTO Team


Click here to discuss this update on our forums!

  1. Hey, thanks for the words of encouragement!!
    Keep an eye on the next two updates 😉

  2. I cant wait! Loved DK 1 and 2… Ive been searching for years and waiting for a game like this! Please let this happen!

  3. Looks fantastic guys!
    Keep up the great work 🙂

  4. agree,keep up the good work, looks/sounds damn good ! –

  5. Keep it up