Release Backer Update

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Hello Backers,

As you’ll have seen in our Launch Announcement, the very first release version of War for the Overworld is now available to the public!

Now that the first release is out of the way we can begin to talk a little about some of your rewards. For digital rewards; units names are implemented, credits filled and founder’s names carved eternally into their Dungeon theme. We’ll be making the Soundtrack available to download soon and the Dungeoneer’s Guide is still under construction.

Those of you who are waiting on physical rewards we hope that we can ask for your patience for a little while longer. While we’ve been entirely focussed on the game we’ve not been able to completely dedicate ourselves to  the fulfilment of physical rewards.

As such we expect that we will begin shipping physical rewards within 1 to 2 months (those of you receiving imp statues may need to wait an additional 1-2 months after that), we apologise for the delay on this but we promise that your rewards will be making their way to you in the coming few months!

We can’t thank you enough for making this dream of ours come true, it’s thanks to each and every one of you that we were able to start on this road that we’re now reaching the first true goal marker of.

The faith and trust that you have placed in us is something that we can never truly repay, other than hopefully delivering a game that you will be proud to say you supported. We hope that War for the Overworld will meet your expectations and we can assure you that it is a game we plan to support for as long as we are able.


Until next time Underlord,

– WFTO Team


  1. Thank you guys for making our dream come true!
    I never had any doubt in you even though so many Kickstarter project failed and some were/are scams I knew the second I saw your video and the passion behind you that I will not waste my money investing in you. I am very proud that I was a part of that and that now I can play the full game and that I was able to observe dev. process.

    Thank you once more, evil greetings from Croatia!

  2. Any chance you’ll have merchandise available for sale, such as that imp statue? I realize that’s probably going to be exclusive, but I have a nerd room that would look nice with a lifesize Chunder (I wish I had the money).

  3. wow. this game. As an old DK2 fan. You brought it back. One of the best games so far. I hope you will make more. And in future some addons and what not. I think this game will become a best seller. You guys have still a bit less publicity i believe.
    PcGames mentioned a bit scared yesterday that a promising game might be unfinished yet in a short article..

  4. LOVE YOU GUYS! I just spent my night making a dungeon like in the old days, and originally I wasn’t planning to play that long.

    I just found a bug that I’m sure you guys can work it out. In campaign map 4 (the one with torture chamber for the first time), enemy unit is not converting and progress (for converting) is stuck at 0%. I ran out of units and the prisons were overcrowded. I barely won the map

  5. Awesome to see it launched, but going through my profile on the backer site yielded to me seeing my unit naming section being blank for some reason. I set it back to rightness but I guess it’s too late for that, bummer!!

  6. Some really fantastic posts on this internet site, thank you for contribution. “There is one universal gesture that has one universal message–a smile” by Valerie Sokolosky.

  7. I only hope that you will make the game better and better by adding more campaigns, modes, CREATURES!!(comparing to Dungeon keeper 2 thewre are not too much of them), rooms, spells, traps and so on.

  8. It’s finally here. I’m so happy that I found Dungeon Keeper, because that eventualy led to me seeing a video called “This is why we can’t have nice things” by TotalBiscut. That was the day I learned about War for the Overworld. I personally enjoy that day more than my birthday. -It’s good to be bad.

  9. wow its finally there, thank you for your hard work.
    i have a question: do you plan to sell it as dvd? i dont like steam but i want to play it and pay for it ^^.

    greetings phoenix

  10. It is a pity that many promises were made by creators of this game and half of them were “forgotten” (like corrupting heroes looks more like devild with bright red eyes and brown/hellish look which is not presented in the final version of the game).

  11. Guys… U HAD ONE JOB.

    Deliver us great DK succesor game. And you did it. With tons of bugs and feeling we’re still playing beta.

    Reviews all-over world are telling that you released game in early beta status. Good job!

    I mean.. we’ve waited so long, we could have waited few months more, now you created a bad taste and a lot of people will avoid going further into this game.

    Great Marketing skills.

  12. Hi, thanks for a great game so far!

    I played DK1 & DK2 as soon i could afford a computer when i was i youngling! Bought this rougly a year ago, i dont mind the bugs for now, just loving playing it 🙂

    Keep up the hard work!

    Kind Regards

  13. So… Uh DVD edition is delayed or??? Have it preordered from à swedish internet store and they can’t give me an exact release date.
    Dammit I want – the DVD edition.

  14. I recommend continuing to use Windows Update.