Japanese Language, New Worker Skin and Patch 2.0.7

Darkest greetings Underlord,

It has been some time since we last delved into the depths of War for the Overworld, but as promised we have returned with a not insignificant patch, addressing many of the issues you reported to us on our bug tracker.

But before we delve into the devil’s details of Patch 2.0.7 and the Steam sale we’re currently running, there’s a very special announcement for both the community as a whole, and one very dedicated part of it.


Japanese Release


When we launched our community translation toolkit with Patch 1.5, all the way back in December 2016, we weren’t sure what, if any, languages we would see introduced by our community. But given our Japanese fans had already managed to translate the game, even before we launched user-friendly tools, we shouldn’t have been surprised that they led the charge once more!


Community translation with Steam Workshop support


Throughout every patch and update we released, the incredible team of policeofficer110, CURRY_DAYS, and the War for the Overworld Japanese Localizing Group kept pace, making their translation the most complete on the Workshop.

They were diligent in keeping us updated with challenges they faced and areas we missed with the tools, and we were pleased to have their feedback so we could keep improving. Most importantly they made us aware of the dedicated and growing Japanese fanbase.

It made sense then that our next officially-supported language should honour the incredible support these fans have shown. So we are proud to announce that Japanese language support is now included in the base game!

We’ve worked closely with our official localiser to build on top of the community translation, and to make sure that everything meets both our own high standards and the standards laid down by the community translators. But if you do run into any problems, please let us know!


Oni Ashigaru Worker Skin and a Hefty Sale!


Whether you’re playing the game in Japanese or not, you’ll be pleased to know that to celebrate this momentous occasion we’ve created a special Worker skin! The Oni Ashigaru Worker is ready to leave behind the bright beauty of this year’s Hanami festival, and step into the darkness of your dungeon. With his visage exquisitely crafted to strike fear into your foes, he will join any Underlord who plays the game before the end of May.


Way of the Worker


If you’ve not recruited him before the end of May, he will resume his ronin lifestyle. But fear not, because he will return from his travels in April each year for Hanami. Once you have him in your employ he shall be yours permanently, such is the fealty of the Oni Ashigaru Worker. So be sure to take up his offer now, or miss out for a year!



The Worker’s fearsome reputation preceded him of course, and his demands were that the game and its DLC be placed on sale in preparation for his arrival. Naturally, we didn’t want to cross him, so we have indeed arranged a sale for you! From the 17th to the 19th of May, the game and its content will be on sale for up to 84% off on Steam.



Patch 2.0.7 Now Live!


But that’s not all! With the Japanese release in the works, we took the opportunity to divert our code team’s efforts temporarily from our new project, to address the issues you’ve reported to us.

You can read the full patch notes here. Since most of these issues are bugs, there’s not much in the way of headline features. But we’ve made a few small performance improvements, as well as improvements to a couple of Mighty Script features by request (and we were careful to ensure backwards compatibility).

And remember, if you’ve yet to take the plunge into the dark depths of War for the Overworld, there are currently big savings on the game and its content until the 19th of May, with up to 84% off on Steam!



– Brightrock Games Team

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