Darkest Greetings Underlord,
It’s been just over a week since Patch 1.3: Workshop was unleashed upon the unsuspecting Steam populace. Since then we’ve seen a veritable flood of new maps hitting the Steam Workshop, with well over 240 maps at time of writing, a truly outstanding achievement
As an appreciation to the fantastic work you’re putting we thought we’d highlight some of our favourites in this Community Spotlight, as well as draw your attention to a few more things you may enjoy!
Community Map Spotlight
With so many maps it’s been quite difficult for us then to pick which ones we’d like to spotlight, there are so many great designs that it almost feels like a disservice to pick only a few.
Still we’ve looked through each map in the workshop, combed through the multiple designs and tested quite a few, in the end we’ve narrowed it down to just five of our favourite maps.
These maps are presented in no particular order.
Sandy Tomb by Stygian Emperor
Three player maps are among some of the most difficult to make, so when one comes along that both looks and plays fantastically it’s easy to take notice.
Stygian Emperor has taken a definitively egyptian theme with this map, the design is centered around a large pyramid containing, rather appropriately, a crypt surrounded by layers of sand; within the crypt lies the only Gold Shrine on the map, making it a prime target for contention.
The Fortress of Baldiak by Shocky
When we devised the concept of allowing players to create their own scenario levels we never imagined that one as vast as this would be realised. Shocky has taken the maximum size of level and ran with it, creating a vast and unique realm to explore.
Conquering the Empire fortress here will be truly monumentous task, but not insurmountable, be sure to explore the whole level to discover what might lie in the depths of the realm
Sovengarde Underhall by CoolSkeleton95
Another scenario map that should require no introduction. Sovengarde Underhall by Coolskeleton95 is one of the most popular maps on the Workshop, and for good reason as it provides one of the most enjoyable PVE experiences on the workshop.
With a huge empire fortress to plunder you’ll have to build a dungeon as grand in nature as your target to overcome it’s defenders.
Water Tide by TheBurningFox
Water Tide represents the 2-Player skirmish levels, TheBurningFox has diligently crafted a realm that leaves nowhere to hide. With open water making the majority of this map you’ll have to make good use of the islands on your side to best your opponent.
Be wary because an attack can come at any time once the thin white line of Empire defenders is banished from the realm.
Bloodied Colosseum by Stygian Emperor

Stygian Emperor is quickly becoming one of our favourite authors and returns for a second showing in this Spotlight. His 4-player offering Bloodied Colosseum couldn’t go by without a mention.
This map sees four Underlords vying for control of a huge arena, are you not entertained?
There are so many maps on the Workshop and there’s more every day, we’ll be keeping our eye out for more of the outstanding ones, so don’t worry if your map has been missed this time, perhaps you’ll be featured in our next spotlight!
WFTO Multiplayer Group
Are you looking for others to play WFTO with? Want advice on how to open your ports so you can host multiplayer matches? Then you’ll want to check out the official WFTO Multiplayer Group on Steam.
If you’re ever looking for people to play with it’s members of this group who are most likely to be up for a game, more over the group leader Bohser Onkel is a dedicated member of the WFTO QA Team and dedicated WFTO Multiplayer participant.
He’s got advice for you and the thread he’s set up will help match you with similar skilled opponents provided you rank yourself appropriately.
Check out the Multiplayer Group here and sign up to find a match!
Reminder: Patch 1.3.1 Now Available
As a quick Reminder we pushed out Patch 1.3.1 recently which has added a few more features for map creators to exploit. We’ve introduced a Possession door which only opens when the unit that wishes to pass is being possessed, we’ve also extended the capabilities of the mirror tool to ensure that defences and unit levels are correctly mirrored!
Check out the full release notes here!
Here ends our second Community Spotlight we have one more little thing for you tomorrow Underlords so keep your eyes peeled for a post tomorrow before we close up for christmas!
Until next time Underlord
– WFTO Team
Thanks. I can’t get enough of tile-based map editors.
Gottah up my game when it come’s to map editing.
Nice job for those maps, I’m surprised our hardcore fans really took it well, hopefully script support will come one day. Especially there are some remaking old DK1 & DK2 maps.