Hotfix Patch 1.4.2f9 Release Notes


Darkest greetings Underlord,

We’ve just launched a quick hotfix for a number of serious gameplay bugs that appeared in a recent patch. You might not have witnessed these issues if your games did not run over a certain time span but they could prove derailing if you did.

Please read below for the full patch notes. If you encounter any further issues please log bug reports to us directly via user echo. All the issues fixed today are a result of public reports, so please don’t underestimate the value of your report! 🙂

V1.4.2f9 Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected a few typos in various tooltips
  • Some corrections to pathfinding AI particularly for units becoming unable to find their way back to locations in a players dungeon. Leading to an AI loop where they proceed to ignore any further needs.
  • Fixed an issue on Level 6 where units rescued from prisons would not “wake up” and behave normally
  • Slaughterpen Pigs should no longer become uneatable over the course of a long game session, causing mass hunger through your dungeon
  • Energy injectors have been fitted to unit beds, preventing them from falling asleep forever
  • Fixed the tavern tooltip occasionally displaying 101% filled


We’re now progressing full speed into upcoming WFTO content, so keep your eyes peeled for more news, or better yet, sign up to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss it!


– Brightrock Games Team


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1 Comment
  1. and 4 new types of Chunders are added to the Map Editor